The Future of Delivery Drones with WorldPay

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

Delivery by drones is expected to explode in popularity in the near future. A number of companies are already testing technology for shipments to reduce shipping costs and provide more secure delivery. Worldpay is among these companies.

Worldpay and the Future of Delivery Drones

Worldpay, a famous payment technology company, is testing new drone technology, Drone Pay, aimed at fighting parcel fraud. The prototype has to do with a drone landing pad to be put in the front of the customer’s door, which can double as a doormat. The concept of the technology connects payment verification with residential drone delivery.

Drone Pay uses EMV contactless payment card technology, which gets access to a customer’s card information stored in the landing pad, via a scan from the drone. If the information matches the correct recipient, the drone will release the parcel.

Greg Worch, Worldpay’s senior vice president of eCommerce, notes that they’re studying how merchants will want to use drones, trying to figure out their expectations. First, they should overcome several obstacles related to regulation, operations, and logistics. Then, all this will easily be turned into a reality. One thing is for sure: once the company overcomes the barriers, customers can enjoy frictionless payment processing for their parcels.

Worldpay Drone Pay: Worldpay Customer Service Number

As Worldpay’s spokesperson says, the popularity of drones and technology advances make large companies like Amazon, UPS, and Google look to drones to help with deliveries. Drones are also great for cutting time and costs, especially in megacities.

With all this in mind, working with a reputable payment processor becomes a must. Best Payment Providers, a payment expert in the UK, can help you with this. Best Payment Providers is a respectable merchant services comparison company that offers free consultation, review of contracts, rates, and fees.

Best Payment Providers checks each and every provider’s integration process to guarantee a smooth transition and onboarding process for every merchant. With Best Payment Providers, you can get the most honest snapshot of the company at the time of writing so to avoid unnecessary payments caused by misleading terminology, hidden costs, and deceptive sales tactics.

Did you know that in the US alone, the drone delivery industry has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years? The $40 (£30.4)-billion market in 2012 made up $1 (£0.76) billion last year.

Based on a July 2018 survey by Worldpay, Gen Z consumers expressed the highest level of appreciation towards drones or autonomous/robot delivery. 71% were looking forward to it.  37% of them expected this to become a reality in the upcoming 2-5 years.

According to Worch, drone delivery is more secure and helps businesses meet customer expectations with greater effectiveness.

Drone delivery is gaining more popularity around the globe. Drone Pay by Worldpay uses the concept of EMV contactless payment card technology. As a result, it allows for verifying the recipient’s identity to ensure the right person gets the parcel delivered. The technology is integrated into the so-called drone landing pad.

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