Contactless Transactions, Face-&-Touch Recognition & More

Friday, July 31st, 2020

The global biometric market is thriving. Non-AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is growing its market share. To learn more about the growth of contactless transactions and find a reputable payment expert, don’t look any further.

COVID-19 & Contactless Transactions

The lockdown associated with COVID-19 has brought its immense impact on payment processing. Under the lockdown, the contactless nature of digital payments has gained more traction: people began relying on them, taking into account the safety and convenience offered.

This means digital-payment transactions have increased as both consumers and merchants want to use swift and secure payment options. As some specialists in the field note, after the lockdown, many eCommerce businesses might go for ‘flash sales’ to clear old inventory and meet increased demand.

Biometric companies are now given an opportunity to introduce their technologies more widely and enjoy growing demand for their business. What about your own eCommerce business in the UK? Are you looking for secure and cheap payment-processing services? If yes, just consider working with a reputable payment-processor comparison specialist like

Best Payment Providers UK pays exceptional attention to terms, complaints, and integration requirements. No matter you need help with contactless transactions or any other merchant-processing services, Best Payment Providers UK guarantees the most trustworthy review of companies at the time of writing.

Online Payments on the Rise: Biometrics & Not Only

Step by step, contactless transactions, biometric authentication, face-and-touch recognition, as well as behavioural analytics are turning into a daily routine, promising seamless and more secure payment processing.

In the UK, as well as in other countries, cash and checks have been turning into less popular payment options as compared with cashless transactions. When payment behaviors are changing, merchants dealing with both in-store and online payments need to rapidly adapt to the new situation.

Increasingly, the number of transactions completed via contactless cards are growing fast in the UK, Canada, Europe and Australia. E.g., in the UK, ‘tap and pay’ transactions represent over 40% of all card transactions as of 2020. When launched in the UK in 2014, contactless started with a £15 limit. Now, they’ve reached £30.

So, advanced technology means, such as contactless payments, face-and-touch recognition, and behavioural analytics are stepping into consumers’ and merchants’ lives. Work with a reliable and experienced processor to grow your online transactions successfully.

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